Friday, September 30, 2005

damn that band began to play

I love jazz.


I don't have a photo to go along with this, but suffice it to say that last night instead of doing my Shakespeare homework, I went to the Sco and listened to brass band jazz for three hours. What a fucking jam. Best decision ever, maybe the best night here so far.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

People Who Spend Way Too Much Fucking Time in Dascomb 133

We were going to make that the name of a Facebook group. The title of this post, I mean. But it would only have had three people: Neva and me, because we live here, and John, who spends half his time here, basically, especially on weekends.

So yeah. These are the homies of 133. John and Neva. This is kind of a ridiculous picture but it'll have to do for now.

John takes beautiful pictures of people he doesn't know very well. He once performed in Hamlet as the title character and last night he recited the first few lines of "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" for me off the top of his head. Today in class I remembered that and then on and off for the rest of the day I tried to remember as many lines as I could from the first stanza, just for fun. John and I once got stared at in an Applebee's.

Neva and I get along pretty fantastically. We're both of the opinion that we lucked the hell out in roommate assignments. No shit. We're perfect for each other. Sometimes I worry that I act too honestly around her and that she secretly thinks I'm a horrible and annoying person, but she reassures me this is not the case.

Neva's really funny and so is John and sometimes when the three of us are together it is just a little crazy. I promise sometime I will post pictures of them in which they are not making really silly faces and John does not look like an old man.


EXCELLENT NEWS. Lucas has offered to lend me his digital camera for an indefinite length of time. What this means is that I get to start taking photos much sooner than I expected.

So below you have Lucas. Lucas lives across the hall and down a bit from me. He's a pretty lucky guy because he gets to be the first photo here. It's his camera, after all.

Yeah. That's kind of not the most appropriate picture of him, because in actuality he's such a jolly guy that I can't imagine a realistic picture of him in which he wasn't smiling or making a ridiculous face.

Today, I ran into Lucas while I was looking for a practice room. We found one together and he played Yesterday in his rhythm-piano style and I almost cried. It was that beautiful.

I think that's all for now. I don't want to have excessively long captions. The next entry is going to have a couple of other very important people: John and Neva.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

like an american flag on the moon

In the future, I will have a digital camera. Hopefully. Then, I will start posting photos on here. That is why I wanted this blog. It is more of an ongoing photo essay, really. In any case, once this idea congealed in my head (only this very afternoon as I was walking back to my dorm from the library, after several days of thinking over different ideas about cameras and photos and what to do with them), I realized I'd better go reserve the blog page immediately. That's the purpose of this post.

I don't know when I'm going to get my digital camera (I still have to acquire the funds and then make a decision about which model to get), and I don't think I'll really be telling anybody about this supposed blog until I'm ready to start putting up photos, so really the only purpose of this entry is to create my blog and have a first entry.

Oh shit, I just realized I have to figure out how to post photos up here. It is possible, isn't it? Yeah, I'm pretty sure it is.

I'm excited. I am so glad to have figured out what to about my urgings for photos of people and places and now I am ready to start snapping!!!!!! Hahahaha, I love ridiculous and purposefully placed numbers of exclamation points.