Tuesday, September 27, 2005

like an american flag on the moon

In the future, I will have a digital camera. Hopefully. Then, I will start posting photos on here. That is why I wanted this blog. It is more of an ongoing photo essay, really. In any case, once this idea congealed in my head (only this very afternoon as I was walking back to my dorm from the library, after several days of thinking over different ideas about cameras and photos and what to do with them), I realized I'd better go reserve the blog page immediately. That's the purpose of this post.

I don't know when I'm going to get my digital camera (I still have to acquire the funds and then make a decision about which model to get), and I don't think I'll really be telling anybody about this supposed blog until I'm ready to start putting up photos, so really the only purpose of this entry is to create my blog and have a first entry.

Oh shit, I just realized I have to figure out how to post photos up here. It is possible, isn't it? Yeah, I'm pretty sure it is.

I'm excited. I am so glad to have figured out what to about my urgings for photos of people and places and now I am ready to start snapping!!!!!! Hahahaha, I love ridiculous and purposefully placed numbers of exclamation points.


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